Andrew Richardson specialises in practice-based digital interactive research, with particular interest in creating visualisation environments of humanities data which aid exploration, knowledge development and hypotheses creation. He has most recently worked as the data visualisation co-lead on the Congruence Engine and Tools of Knowledge projects.
His work is multi-disciplinary and he has worked on teams with literary and digital humanities academics to explore methods for developing experiential encounters with literary sources. Previous work includes the generative visualisation of Wordsworth's poem The Prelude as an interactive 3D landscape (Richardson, 2016), and the use of GPS and Augmented Reality to examine the visualisation of texts in virtual and real world spaces (Richardson, 2019).
His previous work has explored the creative application of interactive and immersive technologies to create visually rich digital experiences and encounters of literary texts across a range of 2D and 3D digital spaces.
He was co-investigator on an AHRC funded Chronotopic Cartographies (Ref AH/P00895X/1) working with literary academics from Lancaster University, Edinburgh University and the British Library to explore the spatial representation of fictional literary texts in digital environments.
The Congruence Engine: Digital Tools for New Collections-Based Industrial Histories, Science Museum Group. Exploring digital technologies for the exploration and visualisation of historical collections data. AHRC.Research Consultant (Data Visualisation)
The Congruence Engine: Digital Tools for New Collections-Based Industrial Histories, Science Museum Group. Exploring digital technologies for the exploration and visualisation of historical collections data. AHRC.Research Consultant (Data Visualisation)
Tools of Knowledge: Modelling the Creative Communities of the Scientific Instrument Trade, 1550-1914 University of Cambridge, Science Museum Group, Royal Museums Greenwich. Data visualisation methods for exploration and analysis of the Scientific Instrument Makers, Observations and Notes (SIMON) dataset AHRC Research Consultant (Data Visualisation)
Tools of Knowledge: Modelling the Creative Communities of the Scientific Instrument Trade, 1550-1914 University of Cambridge, Science Museum Group, Royal Museums Greenwich. Data visualisation methods for exploration and analysis of the Scientific Instrument Makers, Observations and Notes (SIMON) dataset AHRC Research Consultant (Data Visualisation)
Creating a Chronotopic Ground for the Mapping of Literary Texts: Innovative Data Visualisation and Spatial Interpretation in the Digital Medium
University of Lancaster, University of Edinburgh, MMU, UCL. Exploring applications of interactive 3D and gaming environments for the mapping and visualisation of literary texts. AHRC (£914K)
Creating a Chronotopic Ground for the Mapping of Literary Texts: Innovative Data Visualisation and Spatial Interpretation in the Digital Medium
University of Lancaster, University of Edinburgh, MMU, UCL. Exploring applications of interactive 3D and gaming environments for the mapping and visualisation of literary texts. AHRC (£914K)
Creative FUSE Innovation Pilot: Data Labs.
Sunderland BID, City of Sunderland, Northumbria University, FabLab, Sunderland. Community data mapping activities with creative visualisation and fabrication ‘data lab’, events. AHRC (£5K)
Project Lead.
Creative FUSE Innovation Pilot: Data Labs.
Sunderland BID, City of Sunderland, Northumbria University, FabLab, Sunderland. Community data mapping activities with creative visualisation and fabrication ‘data lab’, events. AHRC (£5K)
Project Lead.
Butterworth, A. D., & Richardson, A. G. 2023. Tools for Knowledge: A suite of manipulable data graphics to explore maker and business identity in the historical knowledge graph of the communities of the scientific instrument trade in Britain, 1550–1914. GrapHNR Mainz. 19/07/23.
Hay, D. & Richardson, A 2022. A Dynamic Topography for Visualising Time and Space in Fictional Literary Texts. Information Design Journal
Richardson, A. 2021, A Dynamic Topography for Visualising Time and Space in Fictional Literary Texts. Information+ Conference, 27th September, Atlanta, Georgia.
Richardson, A. 2019, Mapping The Prelude: A Visualisation of Wordsworth's Poetry. in IEEE VISAP’19, Pictorials and annotated portfolios: 21st - 25th October 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE VIS 2019, Vancouver, Canada, 21/10/19.
Richardson, A. 2019, Creative Experiments into the Spatial Visualisation of Literary Texts, Digital Humanities 2019, 8/07/19 - 12/07/19.
Richardson, A 2019, Mapping Light: Data Impressionism. in J Park, J Nam & JW Park (eds), Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA2019): 22-28 June 2019, Gwangju, Korea. ISEA International, Gwangju, Korea, pp. 531-534, International Symposium on Electronic Art 2019, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of, 22/06/19.
Richardson, A. & Collier, M, 2017 Sound Rings: Physical Visualisations of Bird Song, Exhibition, The Stables Gallery, Cheeseburn, Northumberland.
Richardson, A. 2016 Wordsworth and Basho: Walking Poets; Encounters with Nature [Interactive Artwork]. Kakimori Bunko, Itami, Japan.
Bainbridge, S, Thompson, B, Collier, M, Pannells, I, Richardson, A & Bushell, S, 2016, Seven Ways Up: Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere: 3D Interactive Visualisation of the Romantic Assents of Snowdon, , The Wordsworth Museum, Grasmere.
Richardson, A, Collier, M & Cowdon, J, 2015, Walking Poets: Wordsworth and Basho: Mapping The Prelude [Interactive 3D Visualisation], The Wordsworth Museum, Grasmere., , Exhibition, Art Editions North, Sunderland.
Richardson, A. 2016 Culture Mapping: Creative Digital Approaches. Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA 2016). Canterbury.
Richardson, A. 2016, Data Driven Graphic Design: Creative Coding for Visual Communication. Required Reading Range, Bloomsbury.